The next government will be a Labour government. It is now more vital than ever that we have Green MPs to hold them to account and push them where they fall short. I am therefore standing for the Green Party in Bethnal Green and Stepney. I’ve found many welcoming communities since moving here five years ago, and feel at home here. I left the public sector in 2022, since when I’ve been supporting Nathalie, our Green councillor in Tower Hamlets, including meeting with residents to better understand their priorities.

I’m running because I believe that elected Green MPs can make a difference. We are in a cost of living crisis, amidst an increasingly volatile world. We’re one of the richest countries in the world, but we have nurses using food banks and crumbling schools. For many of us, keeping a roof over our heads is increasingly unaffordable, and NHS GP and dentist appointments are ever harder to come by. But I believe we can change this. Together, we can create a fairer country - one where we can all be safer, happier, and more fulfilled.

Electing me as your MP would be a powerful signal to the next government that we cannot be ignored. I would continue the good work of Caroline Lucas to hold those in power accountable and keep bold action on the agenda. I would be a strong and honest voice for your views: in the Green Party, we don’t have party bosses telling us which way to vote - or not vote. You would have a hard-working local MP, accessible to you and able to challenge the next government where you need me to.

Now, it’s over to you. You can choose a fairer future. Vote for real hope and real change. Vote Phoebe Gill for Bethnal Green and Stepney.

On Gaza

I support our early and continued demands for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and the unconditional release of hostages. The Green party condemned the Hamas attacks and also condemned war crimes carried out by Israel including the disproportionate killing of civilians and collective punishment of the Palestinian population by the denial of food, water and medicines. We support South Africa’s submission to the International Court of Justice that Israel has committed genocide (on the grounds of collective punishment) and the calls for arrests of Israeli and Hamas leaders by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. We have also called for the Met to investigate government ministers for possible complicity in war crimes by continuing to supply weapons to Israel.

We must also consider the long-term. There must be a political solution that allows for the security and protection of human rights of Israelis and Palestinians based on the end to the occupation of the Palestinian territories. We do not believe that the current Israeli government will willingly agree to such a settlement. There will therefore need to be pressure, beyond mere rhetoric, to make Israel accede. This may include sanctions and boycotts. We have in addition called for personal sanctions such as travel bans on the Israeli leadership who have committed war crimes.

More policy details

For more information about Green Party polices, see the manifesto.